Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Scenic Route

I thought it would be nice to show you my postal route. Mother pointed out I don't technically have a postal route anymore. So, this is my scenic route.

We would start out down the steep driveway...


To the first bridge. Of course, on the other side, there is a hill.

At the top of that hill, down to the second bridge. See the fence on our right?

This is "the sheep pasture", although I've never seen any sheep there. This is where Devlin-Pony and I lived for the first few months when we arrived in Ohio.

Onward! Just past the second bridge is this: the creepy garden, from the land of small humans with the creepy garden. No small humans are out in this picture, but trust me, they are there lurking... somewhere.

Now up the long hill...


Past scary views...

And pretty views...


Till we reach the whole point of the exercise. "You have mail."

Going home is easier.

Down the hill

Down... I must admit, this narrow, dark part is a little scary...

...over the bridge...

Oh, look, there are my guinea hens! When I lived in the sheep pasture, I saw them all the time.

Down again to one more bridge, and almost home!

Except... of course...



You know, Mother drives by those mailboxes every day when she drives up to see me. SHE should get the mail! Then I can just stay with my red mare herd.

Where I belong.

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for the tour. Looks like a nice trip to get the mail. Lots of hill work is good for your back you know. It will help keep you fit and young.


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